Business as Usual, X
by Laura Bryannan

Jin woke up when a tan arm flung itself across his chest. He smiled, taking a closer look at the mysterious blue bands inked on the wrist, wondering about their siginficance. The hand was square and sturdy, a capable hand, with large knuckles that caused his face to flush, remembering how they felt sliding in and out of his body.

Mugen had been as good as his word last night, taking his time, drawing everything out until Jin was literally begging to be impaled and ridden hard. Mugen had...oh god, he had...and Jin couldn't remember when he'd felt so satisfied after sex. The care and tenderness Mugen had shown touched him deeply, and Jin found his feelings disconcerting. Needing distance to re-balance, he untangled himself from the snuggly, warm body, slid out of bed and stretched.

Mugen had asked to be awakened at seven and it was now five thirty, so Jin dressed and padded out to the front room to practice his kata. Snores were still wafting from the bedroom an hour and a half later when he got out of the shower.

He hadn't planned to do anything more than wake Mugen up, but after pulling the blankets off the lithe, muscular body, he changed his mind. Clearly missing his elephant, Mugen was hugging one of Jin's pillows, leaving his lower half exposed to Jin's gaze. The almost unbearable cuteness of the scene didn't stop his mouth from watering.

Jin took the partly-awake member and began to gently suck it to full mast. Mugen moaned, his hips thrusting inperceptibly, his cock pulsing a rapidfire morse code which Jin interpreted as, harder! faster! so he obliged. Mugen woke up, startling, before laying back with a happy groan.

“Damn!” he cried. Jin worked him expertly, intending to bring him off as quickly as possible. Mugen didn't like being ambushed—giving Jin all that control—so he thrashed, trying to ignore the sensations, thinking he should resist. But it was so fucking good he didn't want to ignore it, didn't want it to stop, so he finally relaxed and let it happen. His morning woody had never received such gallant attention before, so he decided to appreciate it.

Afterwards Jin waited, watching bemusedly as Mugen's brain turned back on. But when Mugen's eyes opened, they looked at him with such wanton hunger his heart skipped a beat. “You now!” Mugen demanded.


“Yes,” Mugen insisted, reaching for his prey.

“No, Mugen,” Jin replied, forcibly removing Mugen's hands from his hips. “Tonight. Your place or mine?”

“But what about you?”

“I'm fine, and if you don't get in the shower now, you'll be late for work.”

“But...awww, OK,” Mugen agreed with a sigh, granting Jin the point. “My place, then.”

“All right,” Jin agreed. “On one condition.”


Jin leaned forward to kiss his delectable lover. “I desire tongue for an hors d'oeuvre, your cock for the first course, your throat for the second, and your ass on a platter—with gravy—for the main dish. Can you rustle that up, Sanji?”

Mugen smiled and stroked his chin, nodding thoughtfully. “Yeah, I think that can be arranged.”


Mugen was smiling as he walked home after work, remembering how Jin had plopped on the bed this morning as he got dressed and watched him like a hawk. “What'cha staring at?” he'd asked, trying not to feel flustered under the intense gaze.

“You look very fine all turned out,” Jin replied, smiling. He'd waited until Mugen finished tying his tie before wrapping his arms around him and nuzzling into his neck. “You don't smell right, though.”

“I smell like you, I s'pose,” Mugen noted. “I used your stuff and didn't bring my cologne.”

“What do you wear?” Jin asked. “I'll pick some up for my place.”

“'s a private blend I commission.”

Jin's eyebrow arched. “Well, la dee da.”

Mugen shrugged. “I like more vetiver than most colognes have in 'em. I'll bring some over next time.”

They shared a searing kiss before Mugen hailed a cab to head uptown. He stared as the car drove by Jin walking to work, appreciating his long, confident strides, knowing Takeda Delivery was housed a few blocks away. Oh yeah, for lots of reasons it had been a yummy morning.

He walked up to his apartment building so engrossed in delicious reverie, he didn't notice the hulking figure next to him until his arm was wrenched behind his back and something blunt was poking him in the ribs. Mukuro! Shit!

“My poor little sis was crying in her tea this afternoon, Mugie, my man. Gonna tell me why?” The rank breath almost make him gag.

“Kohza and me are way over, Mukuro,” Mugen protested. “How the hell should I know why she's crying?”

“That's not what I heard,” Mukuro continued. “She says you guys got back together a few weeks ago.” Mugen cringed. Only Kohza would classify a handful of fucks getting back together, but he had been blowing her off the past few days, ignoring her calls completely. He knew he was playing with fire but....

Mugen's arm was wrenched higher, the gun pushing into him hard enough to leave a bruise. “I don't know why I let her see you anyway,” Mukuro complained. “You make her crazy and then she's a total bitch to deal with. Maybe I should just off you right now and put her out of her misery.”

“Go ahead and shoot, fuckwad,” Mugen challenged. “If you land your ass in prison for killing me, I'll consider it a good death.”

Mukuro growled and shoved him violently into the wrought iron fence surrounding the property. The metal pickets caught Mugen's chest and upper arm, ripping his shirt and the skin underneath. Before he could get his bearings, Mukuro landed a uppercut to the jaw and Mugen went down, sprawling, his head spinning. He could see through blurry eyes that the bastard was moving in to hit him again when suddenly Jin was there.

“Well, Mukuro,” he said smoothly, “you're still a fine upstanding citizen, I see.”

“If it isn't Potato Jin,” Mukuro sneered. “Get the fuck outta my way. This has nothing to do with you. Go play Robin Hood somewhere else.”

A neat three hit combo later, and Mukuro was flat on his back with Jin's heel at his throat.

“Disappear Mukuro,” Jin ordered. “Drip back into the sewer where you belong and leave us alone.” He lifted his foot and casually moved out of attack range.

“Us?!?” Mukuro exclaimed, staggering to his feet. “You're with him? Oh right, how could I forget? The gang slut. I see you're still playing faggot, Mugie. No wonder Kohza's pissed.” He spat, but missed his target.

“Fuck off, Mukuro,” Mugen warned, getting up. Mukuro backed away as he approached.

“Don't think this is the end of it, asshole,” Mukuro yelled as he headed down the street.

“Yeah, yeah,” Mugen said, even though Mukuro was out of earshot. He looked at Jin and sighed. It was embarrassing to need help, but he'd been glad to receive it. “Thanks,” he said sincerely. “You made an enemy, though.”

Jin shrugged. “He's been my enemy for years. This changes nothing.” Jin slid his arm around Mugen's waist and Mugen took comfort in his lover's quiet strength, amazed he didn't feel humilated by how badly he was trembling.

Jin lay his hand on Mugen's bloody shirt, as if willing the pounding heart beneath to slow and steady. “Come,” he ordered. “Let's get inside and see how badly you're hurt.”


Mugen had needed a cigarette before coming inside, but now he sat on the toilet seat cover as Jin helped him get undressed. “It looks like your suit is dirty but fine,” Jin told him. “Your shirt is ruined, though. Tub or shower?”

“Tub, I guess,” Mugen said. “Shower would hurt too much.” Most of the damage on Mugen's body was lurid-looking but superficial, except for two nasty puncture wounds, one in his upper arm and one in his chest. Jin wanted him to go to the hospital to get them stitched up, but Mugen put his foot down.

“I ain't spending my night hanging around the emergency room,” he declared.

“But what about tetanus?” Jin protested. “Those wounds are from metal.”

“Fuck tetanus,” Mugen stated. “We can tape 'em up here.” Jin sighed, deciding not to argue. He started the water running in the tub, then headed into the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat in Mugen's place. He found a pack of mixed veggies that didn't seem too freezer burned, a steak, mushrooms and leftover rice in the fridge. Jin didn't normally eat red meat, but decided to make a stir fry with the steak anyway.

As he prepared their meal, Jin blessed Yuki for being so pissy about his plans to see Mugen tonight, he'd been forced to leave the office early to escape his acid tongue. He shuddered to think what he might have found had he arrived at Mugen's place when he'd originally planned.

A call from the bathroom startled Jin out of his reverie. He helped Mugen bind his wounds, talked him into taking some painkillers, then stuck him in a pair of sweatpants he'd found on the bedroom floor. Mugen was strangely subdued and biddable, and Jin thought he seemed in shock, so the next stop was the kitchen. He sat Mugen down at the table with a bowl of Bachelor Concoction #35, and commanded, “Eat!”

“This ain't the meal I promised you,” Mugen said ruefully.

Jin looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, I intend to hold you to that promise. I just wanted to feed you first so you wouldn't pass out on me.” Mugen's eyes widened, and his face betrayed enough lust and trepidation that Jin felt immense relief. Whatever Mukuro had done, the Mugen he knew was still in there.

By the time they finished dinner Mugen was much more himself. He was clearly hurting, but not so cowed and pale as when he got out of the tub. Jin was sure the painkillers and beer hadn't hurt either. He put their dirty dishes in the sink, and turned to see Mugen looking at him with a goofy, semi-drunken, expression.

“Thanks for taking care of me,” he said, grinning lopsided.

Jin walked to the doorway and crooked his finger. “Come,” he commanded quietly. His lover was too hurt to play anywhere but in bed.

Mugen lay down, his sweats already tented. “But you just had dinner,” he protested.

“Yes, but I haven't had dessert yet,” Jin reminded him, appreciating how Mugen's crotch pulsed at the comment.

“First I'll have some sherbet to cleanse my palate,” Jin said, leaning in to kiss Mugen soundly. Raising his head, he stroked the swollen left cheek gently. “Perhaps we'll forgo this course tonight,” he whispered. Then, eyes twinkling, he reached into Mugen's sweats and stroked him enticingly. “But certainly a cordial is in order,” he said, smiling wickedly. Mugen moaned then giggled.

“If you say you want something chocolate for dessert, I'm gonna puke.”

Jin grimaced. “Oh, stop!”

“All us faggots, packin' the fudge.”


The comedian chuckled at his own joke then cleared his throat. “Sorry,” he apologized. “Couldn't help myself.” Jin kissed him to shut him up, lest he ruin the mood completely, disturbed he was obviously still brooding over Mukuro. Incensed by the vile toad's presence in their scene, Jin resolved to give his lover something better to think about.

He pulled off Mugen's sweats, settled comfortably between his legs, and began contemplating his cock. The smooth warmth of it. Its musky scent. Unlike himself, when Mugen was erect his foreskin was completely retracted, exposing the silky-skinned head for his tongue to explore. Mugen purred as he tasted, engulfing him, the girth of it stretching his jaw, reminding him who he was taking inside. He worked diligently and thoughtfully, until his lover was trembling again, but not with rage.

Then Jin steeled himself, tipped Mugen's hips up and dove in, praying the recent bath would insure it not be too awful. It wasn't. Taking each luscious cheek in hand, he spread them apart with his thumbs and teased the sensitive opening as Mugen cooed and gasped.

“Oh god, so sweet...that's right...damn, Jin, deeper yeah...god, you're good....” Mugen's running commentary did wonders for Jin's state of arousal. It was his first time rimming anyone, so the lusty encouragement flattered him and inspired him to greater heights of creativity. He continued on and on, delighting in his lover's moans and writhing, until the discourse became, “Jin, please...more....”

Jin came up and lay alongside his lover, kissing the panting mouth. Dipping his fingers in the pool of pre-cum on Mugen's belly, Jin slid a few inside him. “More like this?” he asked.

“Guh, yeah!” Mugen gasped. Jin inquired as to the whereabouts of the lube and found it in the bedside table drawer.

“I've been looking forward to fucking you all day,” Jin told him, still tickling and teasing in there.

“Me too!” Mugen admitted. “Please, Jin...ummm...oh, god...come on, man, I'm dyin' here. Do it already!”

Jin obliged him. Scooping up Mugen's knees, he curled around him, whispering, “Help me.” Mugen took him in hand and put him in the right place, moaning quietly as Jin pushed inside.

When Jin was fully seated Mugen wrapped his arm around Jin's waist and buried his face in his neck. “Let's stay like this for a bit, K?” he whispered. Jin assented, snuggling him close and not thrusting, curious at his mysterious lover. He was so obnoxious and arrogant, yet capable of such vulnerability and tenderness. He didn't know Mugen well enough to know if this was his true self or if his behavior was due to his encounter with Mukuro.

Finally Mugen stirred. Turning slightly, he grabbed Jin's thigh and pulled it in between his own, using it for leverage to grind himself upon the member impaling him. Jin moaned at the movement, losing self-control rapidly. The lower half of the body he was loving was not hurt, so he wrapped his arms around Mugen's waist and did what felt best to him, trusting it would work for Mugen as well.

Short, shallow thrusts, where the sensation was strongest, the tight ring of muscle providing a luscious, warm grip on his over-sensitive cock. But then pushing deep, so deep that he met where the passage turned and there was something to push against. The caress felt wonderful, and if he did it gently Mugen would always gasp at how his guts were being rearranged, moaning in a deep guttural way that Jin's cock could feel inside. Jin couldn't understand it or even quite believe it, but there was something about fucking this man that satisfied his entire being, his very soul.

“You're good to me,” Mugen said, afterward, smiling dreamily.

“I'm pleased you think so,” Jin replied.

“I didn't think I'd ever like getting laid again, after....” Mugen sighed but didn't continue.

Jin was curious but decided not to pursue it. Mugen's eyelids were fluttering, and he really did need the rest.

“You're addictive, Ryu-san,” Jin told him. “You and your very fine ass. I will require more.”

A smile flickered across Mugen's face, although his eyes remained closed. “Ryu-san,” he complained. “Not that again!”

There was quiet for a time, and Jin was sure Mugen was out. He pulled the blanket up over his sleeping lover and was on his way to the bathroom when he heard a whisper from the depths of the bed, “Just say the secret password.”

to be continued