Business as Usual, XIV
by Laura Bryannan

Jin walked into his apartment and sighed in happiness. The weekend had been glorious, but it was just as wonderful to be back home again...alone. He settled blissfully into bed, Mozart on the CD player, a bowl of instant ramen in hand. He ignored the book he was halfway through, content to simply listen and eat.

The concerto wasn't quite finished when his cell rang. He groaned, not wanting to look at the ID, as it was harder to ignore if he knew who was calling. He finally gave in, saw it was Mugen, and decided to pick up.

“You did me real fine last night,” the husky voice purred.

“Thank you. You're very delicious.”

“I want my legs around you again. I want you inside me again. Lemmie come over.”



“Tomorrow, Mugen.”

“No. Tonight. Why can't it be tonight?”

“I need some down time, some quiet. I haven't been alone since Thursday and I feel stretched very thin. Can you understand that?”


“Mugen, this weekend was amazing. I loved it. It was the most generous gift I have ever received and I'm very grateful. But right now I need some time to myself—time to process it all, I guess. If I'm too long without that I start to go insane.”

Jin heard grumbling on the other end as Mugen considered, then a loud sigh. “Well, if you really don't want to, I....”

“Mugen,” Jin interrupted, “tomorrow night I will happily screw your ass into the carpet, but tonight I would like to contemplate my navel and not have to pay attention to anyone, all right?”

“OhhhKaaay.” The tone was sullen, but Jin ignored it and said goodbye before Mugen could argue further. Smiling in relief, he hit Play on the remote and the music washed over him again.

He hadn't realized he was dozing until his cell startled him awake. According to the clock, he'd been sleeping over an hour. The caller ID said Mugen and Jin sighed. Sometimes his lover's persistence was annoying.

“I'm outside your building. Can I come in?”


“I'm standing on your front doorstep. Buzz me in, K?”

“No! I told you....”

“Wait!” Mugen shouted. Then, more persuasively, “Just let me ride you. You don't have to do anything, I'll do all the work. I don't expect a performance like last night. Come on, let me in.”

Jin felt anger and frustration first, but grudgingly flattered second, and buzzed Mugen in. He waited in the doorway of his apartment listening to the footsteps coming up the stairs, trying to keep his breathing steady, both upset and excited Mugen was there. His heart skipped a beat as Mugen arrived on the landing, wearing an impeccable navy suit and carrying a sinfully thin black leather briefcase. It looks like he plans to stay the night, Jin thought.

“I'm presuming,” Mugen began, reading his mind. “You can kick me out later if you want. Just thinking positive.”

“Come in,” Jin replied. He turned and walked down the hall to his bedroom, hearing Mugen shut the door and follow. The brown hands were on him before he got his t-shirt over his head, and then they were kissing. Jin didn't stand a chance. Mugen's supersonic lasercannon attack was clearly intended to stun and overwhelm the enemy and the strategy was successful. Jin's will crumpled, defenses blown to smithereens, and Mugen had his way with him.

Some time later Jin was on his back, Mugen riding him like a rodeo cowboy. He tried to distract himself from the impending orgasm as the tawny hips pumped him unmercifully, but his lover was too talented. He was certain he was going to lose the battle and cum first when Mugen suddenly stopped and raised his head. Panting and sheened with sweat, Jin thought he looked magnificent.

“You pissed at me for showing up?” he asked.

Jin smiled ruefully. “Not anymore. It's good to hold you again.”

“Mmmm, yeah. I wanted you all to myself.” He smiled rakishly and Jin's heart lurched, not sure if the disturbance this beast was causing in his life was good or bad. However, one thing was certain: he was way too addicting. Needing a little more control, Jin grabbed Mugen's shoulders and flipped him over, scooping up his knees in one smooth move.

“Ah, yes!” he decided, reveling in Mugen's wanton, half-lidded expression. “Well, you've got me, my man. All of me. Now, relax.”

Mugen had been taking him shallow, creating intense sensation where it was overwhelming, so Jin dove deep. The moans his lover emitted when he was plundered so were always gratifying, and he could better regulate his level of sensation. Taking Mugen in hand, he began to stroke in time to his gentle thrusts.

“Damn!” Mugen gasped. “You sure know how to fuck a guy.”

Jin chuckled at his enthusiasm, then changed his angle of thrust so Mugen couldn't speak anymore. He rode the moaning body hard, expertly stroking the slick cock, and Mugen gasped, “Oh gonna let me? Can I cum?”

“Cum Mugen.”

“A quickie? Really?” He gasped again, shuddering as Jin answered his question with some skillful wrist action, and let go in his typically dramatic fashion. Laughing and cursing, his innards clenched Jin, who finally allowed himself to feel what was happening in his body. The sensations exploded into his awareness and he released as well, biting Mugen's shoulder to stay grounded—to stay connected and not fly off into space, to be lost forever among the stars.

Later, a raspy voice near his ear woke him from his doze. “Can I stay over?”


“You're a good fuck, Takeda-san.”

“Mmmm. Your ass is irresistible.” Jin was becoming fond of the way Mugen curled up behind him at night, as though he were a substitute for his stuffed elephant. He was tempted to tease, but thought better of it. “What time do you want to get up?”

“Seven, please.”

“Mugen, don't do this again.”


“Don't show up at my door when I've asked you not to come over. It's creepy, and...stalker-like.”

“Um...OK. I'm sorry. But you can't deny me when I'm starving like that. It's inhuman!”

“How hungry could you be? We were fucking all morning.”

“Sporking Yuki ain't the same, an' you know it.”

Jin smiled in spite of himself. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“Damn straight! I ain't no fool.”


Mugen sat at his desk, waiting for a computer model to spit out some stats, feeling out of control. In the light of day, his behavior last night was embarrassing, and all he could remember about his decision to arrive at Jin's place unannounced was that it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Their morning together had been quiet, Jin waking him up matter-of-factly and disappearing into the kitchen, with no encore of last visit's alarm clock BJ. This suited Mugen fine, freaked out as he was. Too much of a good thing made him nervous, and this thing with Jin was too good.

He'd showered and dressed, grimaced down the cup of instant coffee Jin made for him and took off for work with little more conversation than assurances they would talk later. Jin seemed as stand-offish as he felt and that was a relief. Hanging with someone who didn't need to talk all the time was a good thing.

A call on his cell disturbed his reverie. It was Jin. “Did you speak with Yuki last night?”

“No. Why?”

“He's not at work today, and I'm concerned,” Jin replied. “He always arrives before me and he's not here. There's no answer on his cell. I have a bad feeling....”

“Lemmie see what I can do,” Mugen replied. He had a bad feeling as well, and asked Li-san to call the local hospitals, but when she came up empty-handed he was perplexed. He was just about to ask her to call the police when his cell rang again.

“He's at the county hospital,” Jin told him. “I'm on my way.”

Mugen cringed. The place held bad memories. “What happened? You're gonna get him transferred outta there, right?”

“He was brought in unconscious last night, beaten to a pulp,” Jin told him. “There was no ID on him, that's why he ended up there. He just regained consciousness this morning. Yes, I'll have him moved to Chubu as soon as they can. He's in room 524.”

“OK, I'll see you there.” He took a deep breath and shook his head, trying to calm the adrenaline rush of upset and anger running through his body. Life in Okinawa never changes. He told Li-san he was heading out and took off for the hospital.

Entering room 524 , Mugen was shocked. The entire right side of Yuki's face was purple and yellow, disfigured in painful-looking swelling, and both hands were bandaged. He strode to Yuki's bed, nodding to Jin on the other side, and bent to plant a gentle kiss on the lacerated nose. “Damn, kiddo,” he said softly, “they really fucked you over.”

Yuki smiled ruefully. “I'm not feeling too bad. They're giving me good drugs.”

“Two broken ribs,” Jin told him. “That's going to hurt when the meds wear off.”

Mugen winced. Jin was right. There was nothing to do about broken ribs but wait 'em out. “Was it the Nakasones?” he asked.

“Don't know,” Yuki replied. “They were hooded, four of them. Surprised me, the fuckers. I took two of them out and then the other two got really pissed. Mukuro's the only one who would bother with that kind of shit, though....”

Jin nodded. “Whoever it was, I'm just glad you're all right.”

“Yeah, when are they gonna let you outta here?”

“I'm stuck overnight because I was unconscious for so long," Yuki informed them. "Don't move me anywhere else. The people here are okay. I'd rather stay put.”

“Do you want me to call your family?” Jin asked.

“No! Please don't!” Yuki cried. “Mother would use it as an excuse to move in for a month. I wouldn't want to worry her anyway. I'm fine. I just look like shit.”

Jin chuckled. “Do you need anything from your apartment?”

“Nah, it's okay. Somebody here already called my credit card and cell phone companies for me.” He smiled at them. “It makes me feel better to see you guys. Thanks for coming. They said I could escape tomorrow so long as no fever spikes or anything else weird happens tonight.”

Mugen was quietly freaking out. Being back in Okinawa County Hospital was not a happy experience. Seeing Yuki black and blue and green amid the familiar smell and the bright lights and the noise of the was enough to make him want to scream and tear his hair out to stave off the memories.

Luckily some nurse was telling them they had to leave for now. They could come back in the afternoon. He'd said goodbye to Yuki, hadn't he? Yes, he was pretty sure he had. And there was Jin's hand on his arm, pulling him down the hall and out the door, out into real air and sunshine and away from all that.

“Are you all right?” Jin asked. “You look a little green around the gills.”

“Don't like that place. Been there too many times.”

“Would you like to talk about it?”


“Thank you for coming today. It made him very happy.”

Mugen looked at Jin and his warm smile brought him back to the present, banishing the horrible ghosts for the time being. “Well, of course I was gonna come.”

Jin leaned toward him, sliding one arm around his hips and the other around his waist, and he let himself melt into the kiss. Oh yeah. That's right. That's what I'm here for. They got a few hoots from passers-by before they broke it, grinning at each other. “Will I see you this afternoon? Visiting hours are at two.”

“Yeah, I'll be here.” He hoped his shudder was inward. He'd go back even though it made him sick to think about it. He'd go back just because Yuki was worth it—what they all had going together was worth it.


Jin could hear them before he got to Yuki's room, and paused outside the door to listen. He hadn't heard Yuki enjoying himself like that in a long time and it sounded sweet.

“Dammit, Mugen!” Yuki chuckled, coughed and moaned. “Stop with the one-liners, already. It hurts like shit to laugh.”

“Well, you look like shit too, so gimmie a break.”

Jin entered, smiling, and there were heys all around. He handed Yuki a small black box and appreciated his squeak.

“Hell, yes!” Yuki exclaimed, sending Jin a grateful look while frantically opening it. He popped a piece into his mouth with a happy sigh and let Mugen take the box from him.

“Panda all natural soft licorice chews,” Mugen read aloud. “A ha! So this is the culprit.”

Yuki nodded blissfully. “My favorite, although I'll eat licorice in any form.” He turned to Jin, whose guilt about everything was assuaged the tiniest bit by the ecstatic expression on his beloved's face. “Thank you, Jin-nii. Now I definitely feel better.”

“You live on this stuff, kiddo?” Mugen teased. “I swear it leaks outta your pores.”

Yuki shrugged. “Some people like chocolate.” He eyed Jin. “And some like cigarettes.” A pointed glance at Mugen. “I happen to like licorice. Are you complaining?”

“Nah. I can think of worse things you could smell like.”

Jin sat back and listened to them banter, fascinated to watch his emotions shift and settle into new patterns. The guilt and worry over Yuki was fading away. He was clearly going to be all right, even though he did look frightening at the moment. It wasn't the first time Yuki had taken a hit that had most likely been intended for him, and it probably wouldn't be the last, so long as Takeda Delivery remained in business. Mugen had returned to visit despite whatever was bothering him and his affect on Yuki was so heartening, Jin felt immense relief.

But now there was reason to worry about Mugen. For one thing, he was drunk. Not falling-down drunk, but definitely not himself. Jin could smell the beer on him, and wondered why he was drinking so early in the day. He remembered Mugen's earlier comment about being at this hospital too many times, and wasn't surprised about it, considering the number of lurid scars he had on his body and one bullet wound as well. He had never felt comfortable enough to ask about them and, of course, Mugen had never been forthcoming.

Jin felt a pulling in his heart, a yearning tugging at his consciousness to stop hiding, to tell his truth in hopes that Mugen might do the same. He felt anguish about it, doubting that such revelations could produce anything but revulsion and abandonment, but the bothersome idea wouldn't go away and so he resolved to find a way to speak.

And then Mugen was shoving him and he was startled back to the present. “Hey daydreamer, go guard the door,” he ordered, pulling down the covers while Yuki giggled.


“Make sure no one comes in.” Mugen's head burrowed under the ridiculous hospital gown while Yuki cooed, and Jin knew there was no stopping them.

“Just make if fast,” Jin said, standing against the door so it couldn't be opened. He winced to see more lacerations and bruises on Yuki's legs, but Yuki was unmindful, absorbed as he was in Mugen's attentions.

Their spiky-haired lover finished with the preliminaries and pulled out the big guns, swallowing Yuki with a contented moan. Mugen's throat bulged as he took the cock inside and Jin thought his knees would give out at the sight. To witness the invasion—jaw distending, throat swelling as the cock slowly entered—was possibly the most erotic thing Jin had ever experienced. Face flushed, cock stiff in his jeans, he was just about to abandon his post and join the fray when Yuki cried out, first in ecstasy and then in pain.

“Damn, it hurts like fuck to move!” he told them. Mugen raised his head for a kiss, squirming as Yuki teasingly palmed his crotch, when there was a knock on the door. Jin waited until they parted then allowed it to open.

The nurse bustled in, telling them they were going to have to leave. They obediantly said goodbye, although Jin kissed Yuki in front of her, and she eeeped but otherwise minded her own business. Mugen was about to do the same. with an additional under the covers flourish, when Jin dragged him out of trouble.

“Come on,” he said firmly, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the hospital and toward the street, waving for a cab. “I'm taking you home. You're too drunk to be out in public.”

“I ain't drunk...hardly anyway,” Mugen protested. “But you can take me home if you want, pretty boy.” He had intended the move to be suave but instead he lurched, knocking his forehead into the bony shoulder with a resounding clunk. “Ow! Damn!” Jin sighed, stuffed him into a taxi, and finally managed to deposit him on his couch, having sucessfully fended off ninety-five percent of his amorous advances on the way.

Seated safely out of reach, Jin had to know what was up. “Why are you drunk, Mugen? I feel guilty we were fucking while he was laying there alone too, but you were so upset at the hospital this morning. What's going on?”

Mugen shifted uncomfortably. “I just don't like that place, is all. And it's been a long time since I been there, so it weirded me out.”

Jin's heart was pounding. Something inside was demanding he speak, even though the fear he felt was overwhelming and impossible to ignore. It's now or never. Do it! “Mugen, can I tell you something terrible about myself? I once told you I had a criminal record. Do you want to know why?”

Mugen nodded, looking at him intently. “I show you mine if you show me yours. That was the deal, right?”

“Yes,” Jin agreed, his upset turning to icy calm. “I killed a man, when I was very young. I woke up one night and heard my mother scream. I knew where an old daisho was kept, grabbed the wakazashi, and ran to my parent's room. The man was still there and I was able to get in a lethal strike just before he noticed me. Unfortunately, he got me've probably seen the scar. I woke up in the hospital and my life was never the same. My parents were gone and.... Well, there it is. Do you think I'm awful?”

“Awful?” Mugen shook his head. “For killing the guy who murdered your folks? Nah, that's great shit.” There was a pause and Mugen took a deep breath. He searched Jin's face, debating in his mind, then quietly admitted, “I killed a guy too.”

to be continued