Business as Usual, V
by Laura Bryannan

Mugen was braced for an attack, so when Jin pulled him into a kiss instead it messed with his defenses. The guy was good at it, and it was sweet to make out with someone who didn't taste of booze and smokes. He relaxed and settled onto Jin's chest, fitting their hips together so they could grind. But just as they were getting a nice dry hump going, Jin rolled them over, putting himself on top, and Mugen tensed again.

Jin slid down Mugen's body, taking his slacks with him. Then, laying his glasses on the bed, he brought Mugen into his mouth and began to execute his take down combo. At first it was gentle and barely there. Long warm strokes from base to tip, getting to know the territory. Pointed now, following the road map of veins, stabbing into the slit. Ghosting over his body, teasing hands stroked his belly and thighs, tugging on his balls.

It was happening just like his fantasies. Jin didn't appear to be in any hurry so Mugen let his guard down and blissed out. Damn! And he thought Kohza was good! Jin would do something sweet, something sustained, and bring him up...nice and close. Then break the rhythm, switch to another technique, and let him fall back into the rapture before pulling him up again.

There was anguish, but it was the good kind. He could never draw it out when he was doing himself. He'd plan to, and then be unable to restrain himself. He was a wham, bam, thank you ma'am kinda guy, which is why folks who made it last could wrap him around their little finger.

When there was no move on Jin's part to enter him he began to crave it. Jin's fingers would tease around his ass, touch him real nice, press into the right spots, but they did not cross that boundary. The longer Jin loved only his cock, the stronger the ache got. Finally, it was too much.

“Um...put some fingers inside, K?”

Jin paused for a brief moment, and then Mugen felt it. Those fingers, those long fingers he was somewhat obsessed about, were sliding inside him. Not far, though. Jin tickled the sensitive tissue at the opening, teasing and stretching the tight ring of muscle, and Mugen couldn't stifle his moans any longer. Just as he was ready to scream at Jin to give him more, he did. He could feel the fingers sliding way in there, searching, exploring, and when they found what they were seeking he gasped.

And still, Jin let him simmer. Touching him inside so that it felt amazingly good, but not enough to push him over, just enough to add to the overwhelming sensations coursing through him. Mugen's hips could not stay still. He thrust into the warm mouth, unable to keep from moving. Jin took him deeper inside, letting him push against the back of his throat. Mugen could have sworn Jin's throat actually opened a few times, and the sensations of being swallowed caused him to cry out. He couldn't remember when anyone had played him so long and so well.

Finally, when he felt he couldn't take any more, Jin began to work him in earnest. He could tell that this time....oh yeah! He was right. Jin didn't stop or slow down when he got to the edge. He brought Mugen over and swallowed everything as he shouted his throat raw. Holy fucking shit, it was good!

When Mugen came to he turned and saw Jin leaning against a bedpost with his eyes closed, hand down his jeans, stroking himself.

“Uh...hey! Wait....” he began, but he was honestly too wiped to go help the guy out. And really, he looked so amazingly hot with his lips bee-stung from his activities and his body all blushy, maybe it was okay to just let him do it and watch. Jin came with a quiet sigh and opened his eyes to find Mugen staring. He smiled a little, and then roused to crawl over to where Mugen lay.

Mugen grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss. He could smell himself on Jin's face and taste himself in Jin's mouth, all mixed up with Jin's own scents and flavors, and decided he liked it. He felt vague chagrin that the afternoon had not gone as he'd planned, but decided it didn't matter. It was the best blowjob of his life, and he was not about to complain. Jin finally broke the kiss and lay down next to him.

“I should get back to work,” he said, “but....”

Mugen chuckled. “Ummm. Work after nap,” he agreed.

And so they slept. Too long. They both cringed upon awakening, realizing it was too late for excuses or lies. Their respective obligations would not be amused.


On the way home from dinner after the fateful encounter, they shared a conversation.

Who was that?” Yuki had asked.

That was Ryu-san from Okinawa Development,” Jin replied.

That skinny punk is Ryu-san from Okinawa Development?!?”


“The one who.... What happened with him anyway? You never told me,”
Yuki sulked. “He didn't have you, did he?”

“No, he didn't.”

Yuki stopped and grabbed his arm...hard. Jin turned and his lover's eyes were harsh and accusing. “It's because of him, isn't it? How could I have been so fucking clueless? You're back with me because of him.”

Jin sighed, not knowing how to respond. He didn't want to lie, but the truth would sound very cruel. “I'm sorry Yuki,” was the the best he could do. That night Yuki had been in too much of a snit to make love and Jin had been too conflicted to try and woo him out of it.

He felt bad about Yuki but was aching for Ryu-san. Seeing him again on the street brought back all the heat and excitement of their first encounter so, when he called, there was no question in Jin's mind about getting together the next day. He wanted, needed it to happen. After they hung up, he had to go jack off in the bathroom to calm down enough to face Yuki the rest of the night.

So here he was, hours late from the alleged meeting he'd been attending, and there was no escaping Yuki's wrath. He didn't try to hide the evidence by running home to shower. Yuki would know something was up because he never showered in the middle of the day.

Sure enough, he caught hell the moment he walked into his office. “Where have you been all afternoon?” Yuki demanded to know. “You were with him, weren't you?”

“Yes, I was.”

“Damn it, Jin. What am I supposed to do with that?” Jin didn't know and didn't respond. “I'll bet he's such a slut,” Yuki continued, passionately. “He called you three times after you first met, but I never told you because you said you didn't want to know. Anyone who chases men the way he's chased you does it to everyone.”

Jin smiled slightly. “I'm sure you're right.”

His non-response was pissing Yuki off. “I bet he'd fuck me if I called him,” he challenged, “even if he knew who I was and what we are.” He was hoping to evoke a look of horror on Jin's face, but instead there was a disturbing flicker of surprise and interest.

Jin looked intently into his lover's eyes. “He's strong, Yuki. If you think you can play him and come out the winner, you might be in for a rude shock.”

Yuki hated how sad Jin seemed, the obvious regret and concern in his voice. It made the situation too horrifyingly real. He wanted to punch him out then cry on his shoulder, but did neither.

“I'm going to call him, Jin. Don't think I won't,” Yuki warned.

“Why would you want to?”

“To show you what he is. To prove you're nothing special to him.”

Jin sighed. He tried to put his arms around his lover, but the unhappy man pushed himself away. “I already know that, Yuki. I know it and yet....” He sighed again. Catching Yuki's arm, he pulled and this time Yuki came into his embrace, burying his face in Jin's neck.

“You're a cold-hearted bastard, Jin,” he said.

Jin held him close and stroked his hair. “I know, my love, and I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, Yuki.”


The call had him dying of curiosity so, of course, Mugen agreed to the meeting. His secretary showed Yuki in, and when he shut the door behind her...and locked it, Mugen laughed out loud. There was no denying the guy had balls. And he looked so much like Jin it was amazing, although he dressed better—Friday casual to Jin's Ts and hoodies.

“What can I do for you Hojo-san?” Mugen asked, motioning him to sit.

“I want you to back off. Leave him alone.”

Mugen shook his head. “No can do. I got it bad. If you've got a thing for him, you know why I ain't walking away.”

“He's had other lovers,” Yuki told him, “but none he's been crazy about, so this is hard.”

Mugen's breath caught. “He's crazy about me?”

Yuki cringed. Why had he said that? Flustered, he spoke his heart. “Don't take him away, Ryu-san.”

“I'm not taking him away from you completely, just at night. Afternoon sex is bad for my career...slept through an important meeting yesterday.” Mugen had never seen anyone look as dejected as Yuki did at that moment. This is what love does to you, he realized, unsure if he was glad or sad he'd never felt it.

Yuki steeled himself. “You better do right by him,” he warned. “Screw him over and I'll kill you.”

Mugen nodded solemnly, charmed by such loyalty and devotion. He made a bet with himself, then backed the chair away from his desk. “Come here, Yuki,” he ordered. Would the guy obey? Yuki hesitated for a moment, then stood up. Oh yeah! I win! Mugen stood too, waiting for him to come around the large desk.

Their faces met first, teeth attacking lips, intent on marking the other for a certain one to see. At some point the pain was enough and their mouths opened wide to plunder. Yuki kissed well, but tasted of licorice, which was in stark contrast to Jin's clean, spring water flavor. Mugen pushed him against the desk and ground his erection into the one he could feel against his thigh. Yuki shuddered, moaning, then pushed him away. Mugen stepped back.

“What do you want, Yuki?”

“I don't know.” Yuki sighed, hanging his head. “Doing this won't change the fact that he's done with me—has been for a long time.”

“Doesn't have to change it,” Mugen replied. “It can happen for its own sake. Does he know you're here?”

“I told him I was going to call you.”

“Will he be pissed about it?”

Yuki snorted. “Jin? Pissed? I've never seen him truly angry. I don't think he feels anything enough to get pissed.”

“Well then, maybe it's time to wake him up.”

The idea of having the both of them was making Mugen giddy. Yuki was beautiful, even in distress, and he didn't doubt that he was right about Jin's inability to emote. This could be you somewhere down the road, Mugen told himself, and his heart was moved. Leaning forward with intent to kiss, Yuki met him halfway. There was some unspoken commiseration between them. Guess we're both screwed, huh? By the time they came up for air, the matter was decided.

“I'm thicker than he is. Can you take it?” Mugen asked, digging in his bottom drawer.

“I can take it.”

Heh. Then I'm gonna give it to you pretty boy. “No condoms. Don't know how safe I am either.”

“I don't care.'ve got lube in your office?!? How many guys have you fucked up here?”

“You're the first,” Mugen replied, pushing Yuki back onto the desk and yanking his jeans to his knees. “Sometimes I surf porn while I crunch numbers and run my models, and.... Shit, it's none of your business anyway.”

“Well I was just wondering. You've got to admit it's kind of strange, having lube in your desk.”

“Can it, dude. Does Jin ever tell you that you talk too much?”

Yuki giggled. “Sometimes. Ah! Ummmmm!”

to be continued